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The Way of Autumn

17th March, 2015

Fruit, acorns, pinecones fall as seeds for the next generation. trees release their leaves providing an enriching blanket for the soil in which the seeds lie. Nature is preparing for a restful winter, letting go of what is not essential so less effort is needed to preserve that which is essential.


To prepare for your restful winter you too can lay the seeds for a strong foundation of health. For this you need clear judgement to recognise what to release and what to keep. It may simply be clutter in your home, or creating space in your diary, giving up activities that serve no purpose providing rest time for the slowing down of these colder seasons. In your emotional world, maybe grudges or physical reminders of the past that weigh heavily can be released now.


From the vibrant, increasing growth of spring and summer comes the decrease and slowing down of Autumn & Winter. Some feel loss, sadness or grief during this season, others enjoy the more introspective tendencies of the colder months. Activities should not cease altogether, exercise encourages flow of life force, being outdoors allows us to embrace the season. Being conscious of your breath can be powerful & effective; letting go of tension while breathing out & enriching your cells with oxygen while breathing in. With strong lungs you have a strong immune system & general vitality.


Even your cooking should slow down enjoying long cooked roasts, casseroles & curries. Root vegetables that grow down into the earth are in season now and occasional warming & spicy food such as ginger, garlic, cinnamon can encourage circulation. It is traditional to preserve summers harvest by pickling, this balances the culture in your gut contributing to a strong foundation of health for the year ahead.

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